
January 23, 2025

US Fish & Wildlife is scrutinising shipments for any consolidation of hunters. Please remember that each hunter must have their own separate documentation – under no circumstances can one PH register be issued for multiple clients. Please see attached an information sheet for your reference. If there is an infringement and US Fish and Wildlife Services finds out about it, they may confiscate or seize the trophies, send the consignment back to origin at the consignees expense and/or fine the offender. The PH register that is signed by the client is a legal document in which the hunter declares that he harvested the trophies listed. Husband, Wife, and Minor Children: • This is the only scenario where more than one hunter can be shipped in the same crate. • NOTE - all PH registers, relevant permits and supporting documentation must be issued separately in each individual's name. Father with Children (18 Years or Older) / Friends or groups of hunters: • All registers, relevant permits and supporting documentation must be issued separately in each individual's name and the trophies crated separately. • Trophies cannot be shipped in one crate.


June 30, 2022

Oppose Harmful Anti-Hunting Language in Interior Appropriations Bill Contact Congress TODAY and urge them to OPPOSE the inclusion of defacto trophy bans in the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. The U.S. House of Representatives is currently working on the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations bill for FY2023. Current language in Section 439 of the bill would place an effective ban on the import of elephant or lion trophies from Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Neither the hunting regulations in these countries nor conservation status of these species warrant a defacto trophy ban, and the decision to place restrictions is seemingly random and based solely on emotions. Congress should not pass a bill that ignores science, damages rural African communities, hurts conservation, and negatively impacts biodiversity. Act now!

June 30, 2022

South Africa Drops All COVID Restrictions International travelers arriving in South Africa no longer need to provide proof of vaccination or negative COVID test results. As of June 23, 2022, the South African government has dropped all COVID-19 restrictions for travelers and citizens/residents of South Africa. South Africa’s Minister of Health Dr. Joe Phaahla said in a statement announcing the repeal, “We have reached a turning point since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the world and in the country.” After three weeks of monitoring continuing declines in daily cases, hospitalizations, positivity rates and deaths, health officials suspended all indoor mask requirements, limitations on gatherings and proof of vaccination and PCR test results at ports of entry.