C.J. McElroy

Founder of Safari Club International
Great Safari & wonderful people.
One Waterbuck finally but no one's fault but mine -
Thanks very much Henri.
C J McElroy. July 2, 1994
P.S. My Birthday is July 9, 1913
This is my 71st hunting trip to Africa.
Bill Quimby
Director Publications Safari Club International
Fantastic Safari !
Great People !
Great Game !
Bill Quimby, June 20 - July 2 1994
Ricardo Medem
My sincerest thanks to Henry and all your people.
You have good trophies, comfortable accommodations are above all top quality people.
A gold medal for Trophy Hunters Zambia and a diamond medal for its people specially Riana and Henry Snr.
I will come back.
Watch out !
Yours Ricardo Medem, July 27, 1995.
Hannes Schatner
30 Days for the big five.
Up to now we are counting 4 1/2 only, leopard is still in the bush, we hope to find him.
Had a great hunt shooting Elephant and Rhino's is different than shooting warthog.
I hope everyone gets to do it once !
Best wishes, Hannes & Margarita.
Henry thanks for a great hunt.Had a great time at camp, good food and good P H Leslie LongJack Barkley 1996JAMES MYERSHenri. Great hunt-buffalo, puku, impala, zebra, waterbuck, kudu &bushbuck. Loved Chifunda.Great food and camp.J D 'Doc" Myers. -1996.
JIM PHARESGreat area. Plenty of animals ( Just the wrong ones ).Looking forward to coming back in October.Jim & Sandy Phares. May 30, 1996.JACK MARTENEYDr Jack & Paula Marteney, June 19 to July 2 1994."Leopard" Excellent Hunt. An excellent and treasured trophy!Food and accommodation was the best.Thanks
7/3/94Henri thanks for a great hunt & African experience. Hope to see you soonSal ChechoDOM DI PLACIDOOct 94 Dom Di Placido.Henri what a hunt.We did not get all that want - but what we did was very good and that is no 'E Rock' .We will have to do another hunt.,,.EDDIE VOLANOhio's Outdoor Magazine, Capt Eddie Volan "Slugo". 11-15-94 to 11-22-94.I like to shoot so I had a great time with great people and good food.The animals were fantastic for a six and a half day hunting trip.Thank you Henri for the best hunt of my life.HANNES SCHATNER30 days [or the big five. Up to now we are counting 4 1/2 only, leopard is still in the bush, we hope to find him.Had a great hunt shooting Elephant and Rhinos is different than shooting Warthog.I hope everyone gets to do it once!Best wishes, Hannes & Margarita...LYNN HOLLINGSWORTHEnded a 14 day safari yesterday that was fabulous .Came to get 3 types of Lechwe, Puku and Sitatunga.Also got Tsessebe, Waterbuck and Bushbuck. 7 out of 8 trophies record book size.However best part of the safari was the courtesy, kindness and consideration of Riana & Henri.Many thanks,Lynn Hollingsworth. Sept. 27,95
ATTIE DEYZELWhat a very enjoyable time.See you soon again.Many thanksAttie Deyzel. 22--28-9-94
JIM MILLERJuly, 1994 Safari by Henri Hathaway Capstick.Thanks for the best guided hunt ever!Sal and I will never forget the "Zambian Death March" and the real "Death in the Long Grass"!I promise never to shoot high again!!!Special thanks to Riana and Lorry. You made the hunt special!Thanks for making a dream a reality.Jim "I'll take it" Miller.DON SOPCHAKHaving faced the mighty buffalo and lost is not a disgrace, but an honour to one of god's creatures who plays by his own rules.Don Sopchak, June 1995
JOHN VAN BETHANCOURTA toast to Zambia Trophy Hunters."You are what you are"A toast to good hunting, but most of all to new friends for that "is what you is".Van Bethancourt. August 22, 1994WERNER ZIFREUNDA successful and enjoyable hunt is always a reason to come back a third time!Thanks Werner and Susanne Zifreund.
HANS RIDDLERDie weiber und dass tintenfass,werden beide bei dem offen nass, das kommtvon vielen "tunken" - prost halunken!Hope never can translate, thank you for finest huntHans Ridler.WILLIE GREEFThank you for a wonderful dream come true.Your dedication needs to be admired.Willie 'Varkpiet' GreefLEE HUBERTYLions elephants in the dark; night time leopard visits to camp;close encounters -with buffalo; very few tsetse flies;good food;good companionship;all made this a memorable hunting experience.Thank you Kudu, Rory, Henri « Riana tor your efforts.Lee Huberty 9/27/95
DENNIS OHLSONSept 95.To my new found friends.A hunt that will be with me for all time.I came looking for a little piece of Africa and you sent me home with a truck load!Thanks again my friends « mostly you Kudu.Dennis Ohlson.
LOUIS FOCHTOur best to Trophy Hunters Zambia - because you gave me your best (yourselves « 2 great PH's Leslie « Peter).Hope to return to kill that elusive Lion.Louis Foght.
WILLlAM ZIPFAmerican Indian Prayer - We are sorry to kill you my brothers, we honour your strength, courage and speed.40" bull, 25" waterbuck, 19" puku, 31" Kafue Lechwe.All in two days and four shots.Thanks Trophy Hunters Zambia and all the van Aswegen's.WiIIIam Zipf. 6 - 7 - 9 5
RICARDO MEDEMMy sincerest thanks to Henry and all your people.You have 'good trophies, comfortable accommodations are above all top quality people.A gold medal for Trophy Hunters Zambia and a diamond medal for its people, specially Riana and Henry Snr.I will come back ,-Watch out!Yours Ricardo Medem, July 27, 1995.
MIGUEL MUNOZMiguel Munoz Sr and Jr. August 30 to September 12, 1995.Excellent safari and very good trophies of Lion, Buffalo, Sable,Waterbuck, Eland, Kudu, Reedbuck, Bushbuck, Oribi, Warthog and Zebra.I promise you that the next time I will shoot the Lion and Buffalo 2" up;this will be good to Peter's stomach.Father and me enjoyed staying with you.Henry and all your people have a good friends inMalaga.Muchas Gracias.up;.'
ALEC POINTEVINTTo our good friends in Zambia.A truly great experience which I shall always remember.The Zebra and his cousins died!! The Buffalo awaits out return.Alec Pointevint 21-07-95
ALAN TREIMANAlan Treiman 9/14/95 - 9/20/95.My first African hunt - an experience of a lifetime.I had beginners luck - Zebra, Warthog, Kudu, Impala, and a Cape BuffaloThanks to my hunting buddy John for asking me along, to Peter for his guidance and to Riana & Henri for their hospitality.
JOHN STRAUSER14 September - 20 September 1995.Al and 1- we came to track buffalo - and that's a fact.With Trophy Hunters Zambia style and Peter's help - it was worth while.Kudu, Zebra, Warthog too Impala though gave John the screw.A hunt complete by any measure"I shall .return".It was my pleasure.John Strauser.
JIM FOCHTThanks Trophy Hunters for a great hunt & an awesome time.Peter & Henri & Leslie are great.I'll never forget the charging Python.Come to Texas Leslie & I'll whip you into shape.You're an awesome driver best.I appreciate all the effort and hard work. Y'all are great.I will always remember Peter & Zambia.Thank Y'all.Jim Foght. ( alias Johnny Rambo ).
JIM SUKA right & a left - It's good to have a friend to hunt with who has a sense of humour.Jim Suk, 19 July, 95.
WERNER ZIFREUNDLots of thanks to Henri, who gave me any chance for good trophies - Riana for ****- cooking - all who cared for us.Thanks for these wonderful days!Werner & Susanne Zifreund. 27/11/-4/12/94.
ERROL GILBERTSONGreat hunt.Full bagI highly recommend this hunt - watch out for the roads.E Gilbertson. 17 July 95.
FRANS HOBARTH17-11-95.To Trophy Hunters Zambia!Enjoyed a fantastic hunt.Missed the rains by minutes every day.Took excellent Buffalo, Shot Crocodile, Missed this.Thank you very much for a beautiful 6 days of hunting.Good Luck.Frans Hobarth.